


BSK have held many great singing gala's, concerts and even talent shows.
We have many talented students here in BSK!
A picture of leah in the middle department production
Dreamcoat! The AMAZING middle department students have successfully stunned the audience with their talent in the middle department production.
BSK Choir in the Music Concert
BSK student surely have got talent! They amazed the audience with their heavenly great voices and with the help of the talented teachers they have created a music concert and a stunning show.
Students @ BSK
BSK student having a chat during breaktime.

BSK U19 Team won the Football Tournament 
Sporty BSK U19 student have tried their best to win the football tournament and of course with the help of the coaches they have succeeded and won 1st place against all the other British Schools in Kuwait. 
School Photo- BSK student playing sports VS BSK staff.
BSK student AND teachers have held a competition to see who rules. The Teachers? or The Students? They challenged each other playing different kind of sports! BSK IS AMAZING =D 
KG girl picture With London Bus.

One of our fantastic member of staff went all the way to ENGLAND to get one of the bright red buses and brought it to Kuwait. WOW! and we also have the red telephone box that we use here in BSK !

BSK ! :)

BSK is the British School of Kuwait which also stands for The Best School In Kuwait. BSK teaches us more than 20 subjects, the ones I like are Art, Music, Maths, P.E, Science, I also like Geography but not that much.Anyway I love BSK its the best school I ever went to, it teaches us alot and gives us lots of information. Our teachers are the best! We all really learn alot from BSK. I like to thank all our teacher who taught us lots of different languages and subjects :D!


Diary Of a BSK student

Dear Diary,
Today was just amazing. First we had Arabic and the test she gave us was so easy as I studied everything in the book it was like so easy everything was in my brain.
After Arabic we had Science, we learned about sound and how it enters our ears it was not that hard but too complicated. Anyway the break was the best, me and my friends Rawan And Afaf were chatting the whole break time. We also ate chocolate YUMMY! 
When the break finished we had boring Maths lesson again! with who ? Mr Stephen who taught us 'Loci' which I think for me is the hardest thing in Maths, we have to use a compass. Thats what makes it so hard to understand. I kept on waiting for the lesson to finish and atlast it did :D.
Break again and this time it was break 3 and was the best as we can spend it playing sports.I love sports especially basketball. Me and Afaf where challenging each other to see who could score the most goals and of course guess who won? ME!!!
We then had Drama, it was OK but i'm not that much of an actor so... i don't really like it. But anyway we had P.E at the end with miss Alison.It was so much fun, we played dodge ball and our team knocked the opposite team down AGAIN and we won!!
Bye bye diary I have to go now !
See you tomorrow. 


BSK Staff

Mr Stephen Donohue
BSK has more than 100 brilliant staff from many different nationalities.

The main subject leaders and co-ordinators are:
Mrs Estelle Jones
  • Miss Emma Bowie who is the English Language Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Brendan Burns who is the Mathematics Co-ordinator.
  • Miss Alya Muflihi who is the chair of Science.
  • Dr David Williams who is the Biology Co-ordinator.
  • Dr Dan Marsh who is the Chemistry Co-ordinator.
  • Ms Emma Leach who is the Physics Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Jonathan Storer who is the chair of humanities and History Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Oliver Miller who is the Geography Co-ordinator.
  • Mr John Talbot who is the chair of creative arts and the Director of curriculum Music.
  • Mrs Beverly Ross who is the Art,Design and Technology Co-ordinator.
  • Mr David Alcock who is the drama Co-ordinator.
  • Ms Suzanne Davey  who is the Business Co-Ordinator.
  • Mr John Leonard who is the ICT Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Peter Martin Who is the foreign language Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Ahmed al Adawi who is the Arabic Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Mohamed al Yousef who is the Islam studies Co-ordinator.
  • Mr Adam Gibson who is the director of Sports.
  • Miss Emma Leach
  • Mrs Estelle Jones who is the Assistant Department Co-Ordinator 
These are some of our teachers Pictures.

Mr Ian Masters
Miss Hebatalla


Everything About BSK

Hello, Welcome to The British School of Kuwait’s Facts Website.

Here you will get to learn about everything that is happening in BSK.

              It’s now the 32nd year in BSK, the school continues to offer traditional teaching values supported by the latest resources. Today the school has 1650 students from more than 74 nationalities and teaches children from 4 to 19 years of age. From Reception to Year 13 students study more than 4 languages including Arabic, English, French and German.
                    It has been found by Vera Al-Mutawa while it was called The Sunshine Kindergarten in 1978. This grew to become the Sunshine School. In 1993, the school moved to its present campus, opened to secondary age students and rebranded as The British School of Kuwait. Since 2008, Kindergarten students have been taught in a new building close to BSK, called The Sunshine Kindergarten.